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Monday, April 28, 2014


 It's been one year. A year of so much excitement, laughs, cries, and cuddles. A year to watch my biggest blessing grow and learn. A year of breastfeeding and all the challenges we faced with it. A year of co-sleeping and co-bathing. BUT, most importantly, a year of love. He has changed me into the person I have always wanted to be, a mom. We have a bond that nothing in this whole world could ever replace. He has brought so much joy into my life. I have a hard time believing that I have ever lived without him. I am so proud of him, and the parent he has turned me into. It's been a whole year, and the best year of my life.

J is becoming too fast for mommy and daddy, he is walking and running, he sings and dances all the time. He loves boxes, balls, trucks, and anything that has wheels or can bounce. His favorite foods are bananas, blueberries, pears, and sweet potatoes. His vocabulary consist of around 15 words, but he's starting to repeat things we say. He has 10 teeth, two of them just started breaking through. He weighs 25 lbs. He loves bright colors, mainly PINK ;), blue, and yellow. He loves dirt and anything else that can get him messy. I definitely have my hands full with this little one <3

His birthday party was Saturday (on his birthday). He had so much fun with all of his friends. My amazing friend Libby Gutierrez took pictures for me so I could enjoy his party instead of having to snap pictures the whole time. Here are a few of those:

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our little family.

Hi Everyone!

Due to what has happened in the past month, I've been avoiding posting for a while. I've realized I've left you all in the dark and I apologize for that. At my first prenatal appointment, I found out our baby did not have a heart beat. My midwife gave me the option of a D&C or to wait it out a few weeks, I chose to wait. Sadly those few weeks passed, and there was still no heartbeat. They ended up sending me to the hospital the day for surgery after my second appointment, because my body was becoming septic. We are very sad and worried due to that being our second pregnancy loss, but we have faith that when the time is right, God will give us a healthy beautiful baby. Thank you so much to everyone who has reached out to us since our loss. We greatly appreciate all of you.

Updates on little J: He is now 11 & 1/2 months old. He is walking; his vocabulary consist 10-15 words, but mainly baby babble still; he weighs 25 lbs; he likes to dance and sing, especially when daddy is singing; he loves eating blueberries and bananas, although there isn't very many foods he doesn't like; he still loves bath time and being outside all the time. He is still getting breastmilk, but we have also introduced goat milk and he loves it. His birthday is on the 26th of this month, and yes, I am in party planning mode. His party theme is circus/carnival. I have almost everything ready, other than food, final touches, and the list of things I gave his daddy to do (which of course he hasn't even started on yet.) We are very excited about his birthday, but also sad that our little baby is growing up on us!

Lately I've been getting back into my normal routine. I got a new camera (T5i) and I am obsessed! I've also been sewing a lot recently, I made J an easter basket, a few diaper covers, a little Jonjon, and I've monogramed a few of his newest outfits. Yes, just about everything I make is for him. I'll post a few pictures and steps on how I made the items as soon as I stop being lazy and actually upload them.

I am so sorry I haven't been updating much. That is going to change, I promise (hold me to this.) I plan on doing an first birthday update and "What a year of motherhood has taught me." If there is anything else you'd like for me to post, feel free to comment below or send me a message on facebook or instagram.

A few pictures from this month:

Oh yeah, and I dyed my hair blonde!

Thanks for reading <3